Pharmaceutics: Drug Loss at Arterial Bends Can Dominate Off-Target Drug Delivery by Paclitaxel-Coated Balloons

L Tscheuschner, E Stratakos, M Kostakis, M Gravanis, M Katsimpoulas, G Pennati, F Sigala, AR Tzafriri. Drug Loss at Arterial Bends Can Dominate Off-Target Drug Delivery by Paclitaxel-Coated Balloons. Background: Paclitaxel-coated balloons (PCBs) can deliver efficacious drug concentrations to treated arterial segments but are known to exhibit high tracking losses. We aimed to define the […]

Gastroenterology Insights: Reevaluation of an Established In Vivo Gastric Vessel Bleed Model for Hemostatic Device Safety and Efficacy Testing

Jessica L. Grimsby, Matthew D. Szkolnicki, Kevin A. Wood.  Reevaluation of an Established In Vivo Gastric Vessel Bleed Model for Hemostatic Device Safety and Efficacy Testing This study was overseen by the CBSET Inc. Contract Research Organization’s (Lexington, MA, USA.) Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and conformed to the “Guide for the Care […]

Annals of Biomedical Engineering: A Novel In Silico–Ex Vivo Model for Correlating Coating Transfer to Tissue with Local Drug-Coated Balloon-Vessel Contact Pressures

E Stratakos, L  Tscheuschner, L  Vincenzi, E  Pedrinazzi, F Sigala, L  D’Andrea, D  Gastaldi, F  Berti, A R Tzafriri, G Pennati . A Novel In Silico–Ex Vivo Model for Correlating Coating Transfer to Tissue with Local Drug-Coated Balloon-Vessel Contact Pressures Drug-coated balloons (DCBs) aim to deliver drug-loaded surface coating upon inflation at specific vascular sites, […]

BJUI: Relationship between renal pelvis pressure and post-ureteroscopy infection in a live swine model

David Hinojosa-Gonzalez, Christina Kottooran, Jennifer Saunders, Erin L. Chaussee, Jay Budrewicz, Brian H. Eisner. “Relationship between renal pelvis pressure and post-ureteroscopy infection in a live swine model.”   Objective: To evaluate the relationship between renal pelvis pressure and infection after ureteroscopy, using a live swine model. Materials and Methods: In anaesthetised pigs, a 1-h ureteroscopy […]

Regenerative Medicine: Evaluation of bi-layer silk fibroin grafts for onlay urethroplasty in a rabbit model of urethral stricture disease

Gokhan Gundogdu, Jay Budrewicz, Jodie Giordano, Raffaele Melidone, Chris Searcy, Vikas Agarwal, Carlos R Estrada, Joshua R Mauney. “Evaluation of bi-layer silk fibroin grafts for onlay urethroplasty in a rabbit model of urethral stricture disease.” Background: Autologous tissues such as buccal mucosa (BM) are widely used for reconstruction of urethral strictures; however, limitations such as […]

Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods: Maximizing insights from nonclinical safety studies in the context of rising costs and changing regulations

Donald Hodges, Michael Stonerook, Dany Salvail, Sandrine Lemouton. Maximizing insights from nonclinical safety studies in the context of rising costs and changing regulations. Abstract: The traditional paradigm of non-rodent safety assessment studies, primarily reliant on non-human primates (NHPs) and dogs, is undergoing a transformation. During the 2023 Safety Pharmacology Society Annual Meeting, scientists from leading […]

Advanced Materials: Sprayable Hydrogel Sealant for Gastrointestinal Wound Shielding

Gonzalo Muñoz Taboada, Daniel Dahis, Pere Dosta, Elazer Edelman, Natalie Artzi. Sprayable Hydrogel Sealant for Gastrointestinal Wound Shielding. Abstract: Naturally occurring internal bleeding, such as in stomach ulcers, and complications following interventions, such as polyp resection post-colonoscopy, may result in delayed (5–7 days) post-operative adverse events—such as bleeding, intestinal wall perforation, and leakage. Current solutions […]

BJU International: A novel technique for measurement of fluid absorption during ureteroscopy

Juliana Villanueva-Congote, David Hinojosa-Gonzalez, Michal Segall, Jennifer Saunders, Jay Budrewicz, Brian H. Eisner. Evaluation of fluid absorption during flexible ureteroscopy in an in vivo porcine model. Objective: To evaluate the relationship between renal pelvis pressure and fluid absorption during ureteroscopy (URS) in a live porcine model. Materials and Methods: Flexible URS (fURS) was performed in anaesthetised […]

Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience: Ototoxicity: a high risk to auditory function that needs to be monitored in drug development

Marie-Pierre Pasdelou, Lise Byelyayeva, Susanna Malmström, Sylvie Pucheu, Marie Peytavy, Hugo Laullier, Donald B. Hodges, Abraham R. Tzafriri, Gaëlle Naert. Ototoxicity: a high risk to auditory function that needs to be monitored in drug development. The aim of this publication is to raise awareness of drug-induced ototoxicity and to formulate some recommendations based on available […]

ASAIO Journal: Steady Flow Left Ventricle Unloading Is Superior to Pulsatile Pressure Augmentation Venting During Venoarterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Support

Goffer, Efrat M.; Lamberti, Kimberly K.; Spognardi, Anna-Maria; Edelman, Elazer R.; Keller, Steven P. Steady Flow Left Ventricle Unloading Is Superior to Pulsatile Pressure Augmentation Venting During Venoarterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Support Abstract Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO) shunts venous blood to the systemic arterial circulation to provide end-organ perfusion while increasing afterload that may […]