Biomaterials Forum: Embolization of Hydrophilic Coating from Catheters: Can Animal Models Predict Clinical Risk

Tzafriri, AR, Stanley, JR. ‘Embolization of Hydrophilic Coating from Catheters: Can Animal Models Predict Clinical Risk?’ Summary: Medical catheters permit minimally invasive external access for monitoring, imaging, sampling and local delivery of therapeutic agents, and placement of devices like endovascular stents, aneurysm coils and transcatheter valves. To improve ease of manipulation and deliverability the exterior surfaces […]

Advanced Healthcare Materials: Tuning of collagen scaffold properties modulates embedded endothelial cell regulatory phenotype in repair of vascular injuries in vivo

Unterman S, Freiman A, Beckerman M, Abraham E, Stanley JR, Levy E, Artzi N, Edelman E. Tuning of collagen scaffold properties modulates embedded endothelial cell regulatory phenotype in repair of vascular injuries in vivo. Summary: Perivascularly implanted matrix embedded endothelial cells (MEECs) are potent regulators of inflammation and intimal hyperplasia following vascular injuries. Endothelial cells […]

J Trauma Acute Care Surg: Chronic safety assessment of hemostatic self-expanding foam: 90-day survival study and intramuscular biocompatibility

Rago A, Duggan MJ, Hannett P, Brennecke LH, LaRochelle A, Khatri C, Zugate GT, Chang Y, SharmaU, King DR. Chronic safety assessment of hemostatic self-expanding foam: 90-day survival study and intramuscular biocompatibility. Summary: Noncompressible hemorrhage is a significant cause of preventable death in trauma, with no effective presurgical treatments. We previously described the efficacy and 28-day […]

EuroIntervention: Renal sympathetic nerve denervation using intraluminal ultrasound within a cooling balloon preserves the arterial wall and reduces sympathetic nerve activity

Pathak A, Coleman L, Roth A, Stanley J, Bailey L, Markham P, Ewen S, Morel C, Despas F, Honton B, Senard JM, Fajadet J, Mahfoud F. Renal sympathetic nerve denervation using intraluminal ultrasound within a cooling balloon preserves the arterial wall and reduces sympathetic nerve activity. Summary: Catheter-based ultrasound delivered within a cooling balloon is effective […]

J Endovasc Ther: Two Blades-Up Runs Using the JetStream Navitus Atherectomy Device Achieve Optimal Tissue Debulking of Nonocclusive In-Stent Restenosis: Observations From a Porcine Stent/Balloon Injury Model

Shammas NW, Aasen N, Bailey L, Budrewicz J, Farago T, Jarvis G. Two Blades-Up Runs Using the JetStream Navitus Atherectomy Device Achieve Optimal Tissue Debulking of Nonocclusive In-Stent Restenosis: Observations From a Porcine Stent/Balloon Injury Model. Summary: JetStream Navitus achieved optimal tissue debulking after 2 BD and 2 BU runs with no further statistical gain in […]

ALN: A Novel Liquid Diet for Use in Swine

Kilpatrick AF, Williams-Fritze MJ, Hayward, A. A Novel Liquid Diet for Use in Swine. Summary: CBSET researchers publish a novel liquid diet optimized for visualization of the upper or lower gastrointestinal tract in swine during device or equipment evaluation. ALN 7/17/2015. Full Academic Lab News article available here  

Sci Transl Med: Arterial microanatomy determines the success of energy-based renal denervation in controlling hypertension

Tzafriri AR, Keating JH, Markham PM, Spognardi AM, L Stanley JR, Wong G, Zani BG, Highsmith D, O’Fallon P, Fuimaono K, Mahfoud F, Edelman ER. Arterial microanatomy determines the success of energy-based renal denervation in controlling hypertension. Summary: Renal denervation (RDN) is a treatment option for patients with hypertension resistant to conventional therapy. Clinical trials […]

EuroIntervention: Particulates from hydrophilic-coated guiding sheaths embolise to the brain

Stanley JR, Tzafriri AR, Regan K, LaRochelle A, Wong G, Zani BG, Markham PM, Bailey L, Spognardi A, Kopia GA, Edelman ER. Particulates from hydrophilic-coated guiding sheaths embolise to the brain. Summary: The hydrophilic coating on a clinically used guiding sheath readily avulses and embolises to the brain during deployment in a porcine model. Further documentation […]

Science Translational Medicine: Regulation of dendrimer/dextran material performance by altered tissue microenvironment in inflammation and neoplasia

Oliva N, Carcole M, Beckerman M, Seliktar S, Hayward A, Stanley J, Parry NM, Edelman ER, Artzi N. Regulation of dendrimer/dextran material performance by altered tissue microenvironment in inflammation and neoplasia. Summary: A “one material fits all” mindset ignores profound differences in target tissues that affect their responses and reactivity. Yet little attention has been paid to […]

Circ Cardiovasc Interv: Comparison of renal artery, soft tissue, and nerve damage after irrigated versus nonirrigated radiofrequency ablation

Sakakura K, Ladich E, Fuimaono K, Grunewald D, O’Fallon P, Spognardi AM, Markham P, Otsuka F, Yahagi K, Shen K, Kolodgie FD, Joner M, Virmani R. Comparison of renal artery, soft tissue, and nerve damage after irrigated versus nonirrigated radiofrequency ablation. Summary: The long-term efficacy of radiofrequency ablation of renal autonomic nerves has been proven in […]