Science Translational Medicine: Regulation of dendrimer/dextran material performance by altered tissue microenvironment in inflammation and neoplasia

scitransmedcover1-28-15Oliva N, Carcole M, Beckerman M, Seliktar S, Hayward A, Stanley J, Parry NM, Edelman ER, Artzi N. Regulation of dendrimer/dextran material performance by altered tissue microenvironment in inflammation and neoplasia.

Summary: A “one material fits all” mindset ignores profound differences in target tissues that affect their responses and reactivity. Yet little attention has been paid to the role of diseased tissue on material performance, biocompatibility, and healing capacity. We assessed material-tissue interactions with a prototypical adhesive material based on dendrimer/dextran and colon as a model tissue platform.

Sci Transl Med. 2015 Jan 28;7(272):272ra11. Also featured on the cover of this issue.

January 28, 2015