Join CBSET and CILcare at the 42nd ACT Annual Meeting, November 10–19, 2021.
The virtual 42nd Annual Meeting will include a wide-ranging scientific program with distinguished plenary speakers, the popular poster viewing session, an awards ceremony, Talking Tox webinars (exhibitor-hosted webinars), and professional networking events. Your registration fee includes access to all the social events, including the Welcome Reception, and access to all the scientific content until February 15.
CBSET and and our partner CILcare will be participating. If you would like to meet up with us during the meeting, please contact us.
Related Services and Publications:
- CBSET GLP Preclinical Services
- GLP Preclinical Services for Auditory Safety
- Localized / Targeted Drug Delivery
HEAR THIS! Potential Therapeutics for COVID-19 Should Be Tested for Auditory Safety
by Wahid Awad, PhD, Chief Business Officer, CILcare and Michael Naimark, Director of Business Development, CBSET, Inc.
World Pharma Today, August 24, 2020
Stem Cell and Regenerative Therapies for Hearing Loss
by Michael Naimark, Director of Business Development, CBSET, Inc. and Marie-Pierre Pasdelou, PharmD, founder and the Chief Development Officer, CILcare
World Pharma Today, Volume 3, Issue April, 2018
Auditory Therapy, Ototoxicity, and GLP Compliance: Will the promising market for ear disorder treatments follow ophthalmology’s dramatic growth curve?
by Michael Naimark, Director of Business Development, CBSET, Inc. and Marie-Pierre Pasdelou, PharmD, founder and the Chief Development Officer, CILcare
Published in World Pharma Today, November 1, 2017