Press Release: CBSET-CILcare to report experimental methodologies for performing translational auditory research in pigs and sheep at the ‘ARO Midwinter Meeting’

“Auditory research studies are typically performed using rodent models. Yet, some studies may require a larger species with middle and inner ear anatomy more similar to humans,” said Misty Williams-Fritze, DVM, MS, DACLAM, PhD, and Cyrille Sage, PhD, co-lead researchers

LEXINGTON, MA, Jan. 23, 2020  — — CBSET Inc., a not-for-profit translational research institute, announced today that, in collaboration with its partner, CILcare, a leading CRO specializing in hearing disorders, the partnership will be presenting and exhibiting at the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) 43rd Annual Midwinter Meeting in San Jose, Calif., Jan. 25-29, 2020.

The partnership presentation—“Large Animal Models for Auditory Research: A Guide for the Perplexed”—will report their development of an entire methodology for performing auditory studies in two large-animal species, sheep and swine, and the specific advantages of each model.

“This is big news for both Medtech and BioPharma companies that are developing therapies for hearing disorders,” said Rami Tzafriri, PhD, CBSET’s Director of Research and Innovation. “Being able to work with appropriately sized anatomy opens the doors for more clinically relevant models and a clearer approach for regulatory discussions.”

“Auditory research studies, including those evaluating ototoxicity and pharmacokinetics (PK), are typically performed using rodent models,” explained Dr. Misty Williams-Fritze, CBSET’s Director of Veterinary Services. “Yet, some studies may require a larger species with middle and inner ear anatomy more similar to humans. Currently, there is a paucity of literature describing procedural auditory techniques, including surgical approaches, and sensitive readout for auditory changes in large-animal species. Our goal was to determine which large-animal species, such as swine and sheep, could be reliably used for auditory studies.”

“We will report a variety of successfully developed procedures in large-animal species, such as trans-tympanic injection; a surgical approach to reach the middle ear space; recording of acoustic Auditory Brainstem Response (aABR); histology; and cochleogram processes. Our work defines the specific advantages and limitations of each of these models and sets the stage for their routine adoption in our service offerings. Further large-animal model developments are underway, including survival and surgical approaches that allow local or intracochlear delivery and implantation,” added Dr. Cyrille Sage, Senior R&D Project Manager at CILcare’s Lexington, Mass., site.


CBSET, with headquarters in Lexington, Mass., is the preclinical research leader in critically important therapeutic fields such as interventional cardiology, renal disease and dialysis, chronic drug-resistant hypertension, women’s health, minimally invasive surgery, orthopedics, biological and synthetic tissue repair, drug delivery, bioresorbable devices, and combination medical device and drug-eluting products. Learn more about CBSET’s expert biomedical research services.

About CILcare

CILcare, with headquarters in Montpellier, France, and offices in Paris and Boston, is a CRO specializing in otology. CILcare has state-of-the-art laboratories, research experts in otology and neuroscience, as well as a global network of partners, enabling CILcare to offer fully customizable and comprehensive R&D programs including pharmacokinetics, preclinical efficacy, and GLP ototoxicology studies. Learn more about CILcare’s expert R&D services dedicated to ear disorders.