DECODE Network Meeting 5, 17-19 April, 2024
This online network meeting, organized by CBSET Director of Research and Innovation, Rami Tzafriri, PhD, is focused on “Medical Device Testing during the innovation cycle.”
In addition to research/business-focused presentations, this meeting will include discussions of post-PhD career paths and opportunities. ESRs will share their career development action plans. Experienced scientists from diverse global backgrounds, who have seamlessly transitioned between academia and industry, will discuss their work, responsibilities, and career trajectories, including:
Finally, the students will get the opportunity to participate in informal round table discussions with selected speakers about careers in biomedical academia, industry and the regulatory sector, as well as work opportunities within and outside of the EU.
CBSET is a proud member of the DECODE Consortium, a recipient of a European Union Horizon 2020 / Marie Curie training grant.