Tavakkolizadeh A, Shen R, Abraham P, Kormi N, Seifert P, Edelman ER, Jacobs DO, Zinner MJ, Ashley SW, Whang EE. Glucagon-like peptide 2: a new treatment for chemotherapy-induced enteritis. Journal of Surgical Research. 2000 Jun; 91(1): 77-82.
Category Archives: Publications
Circulation Research: Arterial paclitaxel distribution and deposition
Creel CJ, Lovich MA, Edelman ER. Arterial paclitaxel distribution and deposition. Circulation Research. 2000 Apr;86(8):879-884.
Circulation: Stent and artery geometry determine intimal thickening independent of arterial injury
Garasic JM, Edelman ER, Squire JC, Seifert P, Williams MS, Rogers C. Stent and artery geometry determine intimal thickening independent of arterial injury. Circulation. 2000 Feb;101(7): 812-8.
Journal of Clinical Investigation. Decreased neointimal formation in Mac-1(-/-) mice reveals a role for inflammation in vascular repair after angioplasty
Simon DI, Dhen Z, Seifert P, Edelman ER, Ballantyne CM, Rogers C. Decreased neointimal formation in Mac-1(-/-) mice reveals a role for inflammation in vascular repair after angioplasty. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2000 Feb;105(3): 293-300.
Journal of Controlled Release: Mathematical modeling of diffusion-mediated release from bulk degrading matrices
Tzafriri, AR. Mathematical modeling of diffusion-mediated release from bulk degrading matrices. Journal of Controlled Release. 2000 Jan 3;63(1-2):69-79.
J Biomed Mater Res: Mechanisms of heparin transport through expanded poly(tetrafluoroethylene) vascular grafts
Noh I, Lovich MA, Edelman ER. Mechanisms of heparin transport through expanded poly(tetrafluoroethylene) vascular grafts. J Biomed Mater Res. 2000 Jan;49(1): 112-9.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A: Tissue concentration of heparin, not administered dose, correlates with the biological response of injured arteries in vivo
Lovich, M.A. and E.R. Edelman. Tissue concentration of heparin, not administered dose, correlates with the biological response of injured arteries in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 1999. 96(20): p. 11111-6.
Am J Physiol: Arterial heparin deposition: role of diffusion, convection, and extravascular space
Lovich, M.A., et al. Arterial heparin deposition: role of diffusion, convection, and extravascular space. Am J Physiol, 1998. 275(6 Pt 2): p. H2236-42.
Am J Physiol: Computational simulations of local vascular heparin deposition and distribution
Lovich, M.A. and E.R. Edelman. Computational simulations of local vascular heparin deposition and distribution. Am J Physiol, 1996. 271(5 Pt 2): p. H2014-24.
Circ Res: Mechanisms of transmural heparin transport in the rat abdominal aorta after local vascular delivery
Lovich, M.A. and E.R. Edelman. Mechanisms of transmural heparin transport in the rat abdominal aorta after local vascular delivery. Circ Res, 1995. 77(6): p. 1143-50.