Rami Tzafriri, Lee-Jae Jack Guo, Benny Muraj, Peter Markham, Curtis Genstler, Joseph Czyscon, Christopher Piere, Christopher Knapp, Elazer R. Edelman. Ultrasound-enhanced clot thrombolysis in a porcine model of pulmonary embolism. Ultrasound-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis enhances right ventricular recovery after acute PE, but optimization is limited by lack of good animal models. We developed a porcine model […]
Category Archives: Presentations
ISID: Analyzing the effect of radiofrequency catheter ablation on tissue using a novel 3D imaging pipeline
ISID1564 – Analyzing the effect of radiofrequency catheter ablation on tissue using a novel 3D imaging pipeline. Radiofrequency catheter ablation uses programmed electrical stimulation to alter or destroy cells causing irregular parenchymal activity. Despite its history of clinical adoption across a range of therapeutic areas, the 3D volume of ablated tissue has yet to be […]
SPS Regional 2023: Swine, the Other Tox Species
Hodges, D., Tzafriri, R. Swine, the Other Tox Species. Summary: Since 1937, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has required preclinical testing of new drugs and biologicals for pharmacologic activity and acute toxicity in animals prior to their use in clinical trials. The guidance established the use of two animal species, a rodent and a […]
SOT: A Novel 3D Imaging Pipeline for Analyzing Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation in Preclinical Animal Models
A Novel 3D Imaging Pipeline for Analyzing Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation in Preclinical Animal Models. Authors: Gianna Ferron(1), Neil Patel(1), Anthony Knesis(1), Yookyung Jung(1), Stefan Linehan(1), Tim Ragan(1), Jay Budrewicz(2), David Parrillo(2), Rami Tzafriri(2) Affiliations: (1) TissueVision, Inc., Newton, MA; (2) CBSET, Inc., Lexington, MA Abstract: Radiofrequency catheter ablation uses programmed electrical stimulation to alter or […]
1st DECODE Networking Meeting: Current state of the art in the use of DCBs in clinical practice, Jan 16-18, 2023
DECODE 1st Networking Meeting Current State of the Art in the Use of DCBs in Clinical Practice On January 16-18, 2023 the DECODE consortium held its first Networking Meeting, which included both research and business-oriented topics. The first day was mainly about the research field, including lectures regarding anatomy, atherosclerosis, drug eluting devices and various […]
ICI 2022: Image Guided Renal Denervation – The Time Is Now
This presentation by Rami Tzafriri, CBSET’s Director of Research and Innovation reviewed: The scientific data underlying the procedural dependence of radiofrequency (RF) denervation therapies, including a strong dependence of thermal distribution on the locations of the treating electrodes relative to nerves, veins and lymph nodes. Computational modeling results comparing the thermal patterns achieved by RF […]
1st DECODE Summer School: Advances in Multiscale Modelling for Cardiovascular Use, July 18-21 2022
DECODE Summer School Advances in Multiscale Modeling for Cardiovascular Use On July 18-21, the DECODE consortium held its first Summer School, including training on a range of cardiovascular modeling topics. CBSET’s Director of Research and Innovation, Rami Tzafriri, PhD, presented: Models of Drug Release and Tissue Distribution in Cardiovascular Applications.
CRT Online 2021: Atraumatic Endoluminal Microincisions Enhance Balloon-based Drug Delivery In Complex Porcine Restenotic Lesions
Abraham R. Tzafriri, David Marlevi, Jay Budrewicz, Lynn Bailey, Peter Markham, Mazen Albaghdadi, Farhad Rikhtegar Nezami and Elazer R. Edelman. ‘Atraumatic Endoluminal Microincisions Enhance Balloon-Based Drug Delivery in Complex Porcine Restenotic Lesions.’ Presented at: CRT Online 2021. Background: We examined whether endoluminal microincisions could enhance arterial drug uptake and retention after paclitaxel-coated balloon (PCB) treatments of […]
DECODE Kickoff Virtual Meeting, March 19, 2021
DECODE Drug-coated balloon simulation and optimization system for the improved treatment of peripheral artery disease (PAD). On March 19, 2021, the DECODE consortium had its virtual kick-off meeting. The coordinator, Prof. Fotiadis, presented the project, and the Work Package/Task leaders discussed in detail the overall work plan and short-term targets. CBSET’s Director of Research and […]
ARO 2021: Cochlear Implant: Mini Swine or Sheep? Such a Tricky Choice
Misty J. Williams-Fritze, Benny Muraj, Amanda McSweeney, Fernando Garcia-Polite, Raffaele Melidone, Jonathon Kirk, Rami Tzafriri , Cyrille Sage. Cochlear Implant: Mini Swine or Sheep? Such a Tricky Choice. Background: Cochlear implants (CI) are a growing market currently valued at $1.67 billion and projected to grow 10.6%/year from 2020 to 2027 (Figure 1). Since the first […]