ICI 2024: Influence of DCB Design and Procedural Parameters on Drug Delivery

Influence of DCB Design and Procedural Parameters on Drug Delivery, presented by Abraham Rami Tzafriri PhD, CBSET Director of Research and Innovation. Drug-coated balloon (DCB) design has implications for both local drug delivery and off-target drug delivery. For local drug delivery, unlike DEB, coating transfer to tissue is driven by mechanical surface interactions. In addition, […]

ICI 2024: The Common Hepatic Artery is a Rich Target for Sympathetic Denervation

The Common Hepatic Artery is a Rich Target for Sympathetic Denervation, presented by Abraham Rami Tzafriri PhD, CBSET Director of Research and Innovation. Summary: Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus includes lifestyle modifications and medication regimens that require concerted efforts from both physicians and patients to be effective owing to high rates of noncompliance. Indeed, […]

TCT 2024: Drug-Loss at Arterial Bends Can Dominate Off-Target Drug Delivery by Paclitaxel-Coated Balloons

Drug-Loss at Arterial Bends Can Dominate Off-Target Drug Delivery by Paclitaxel-Coated Balloons. Linnea Tscheuschner, Efstathios Stratakos, Marios Kostakis, Miltiadis Gravanis, Michalis Katsimpoulas, Giancarlo Pennati, Fragiska Sigala, Abraham R. Tzafriri Background: Numerous benchtop and animal studies have reported tracking loss from paclitaxel-coated balloons (PCBs). Here we define the mechanisms underlying these findings, and their implications for […]

TCT 2024: Twelve Week Safety and Efficacy of a Novel Extravascular Bi-lateral Renal Denervation Device in a Porcine Model at Nominal Dose

Twelve Week Safety and Efficacy of a Novel Extravascular Bi-lateral Renal Denervation Device in a Porcine Model at Nominal Dose. Chang Wook Jeong, Jay Budrewicz, John H. Keating, Misty Williams-Fritze, Peter Markham, Rami Tzafriri.  Background: Catheter-based renal denervation (RDN) is limited to accessible renal arteries (≥3mm). Performance of an extravascular radiofrequency (RF) device that circumferentially […]

Inner Ear Disorders Therapeutics Summit: Integrated Auditory Services for Accelerated Development: from Discovery to NDA

Integrated Auditory Services for Accelerated Development: from Discovery to NDA. Donald Hodges, CBSET Study Director. CBSET and Cilcare provide a one-stop shop in Boston for non-clinical development, from discovery to IND. With expertise in auditory science and study design, animal care, surgery, histopathology and GLP studies, collaboration is in our collective DNA. Presented at the […]

ESB2024: Modeling of drug-coated balloon inflation correlates drug transfer with vessel geometry and balloon design

“Modeling of drug-coated balloon inflation correlates drug transfer with vessel geometry and balloon design.” Efstathios Stratakos, Rami Tzafriri, Benny Muraj, Jay Budrewicz, Anna Maria Spognardi, Linnea Tscheuschner, Fragiska Sigala, Lorenza Petrini, Giancarlo Pennati. Presentation by Efstathios Stratakos at 29th Contrass of the European Society of Biomechanics, on July 2, 2024, at 12:10 pm, Edinburgh, Scotland. Drug-coated […]

DDW 2024: Visualization and Quantification of Acute Drug Coating Distribution on Porcine Esophagus and Common Bile Duct Surfaces After Drug Coated Balloon Treatments

Visualization and Quantification of Acute Drug Coating Distribution on Porcine Esophagus and Common Bile Duct Surfaces After Drug Coated Balloon Treatments. J. Budrewicz, B. Muraj, P. Markham, R. Tzafriri. Drug coated balloons (DCB) provide a flexible platform for non-obstructive local drug delivery to tubular organs, without requiring chronic implantation. DCBs have been approved for treatment of […]

EuroPCR 2024: Quantitative differentiation of vessel preparation modalities in a porcine in-stent restenosis model

“Quantitative differentiation of vessel preparation modalities in a porcine in-stent restenosis model.” Rami Tzafriri, Jay Budrewicz, Anna Maria Spognardi, Jenny Zeroni, Eric A. Secemski. Aims: To evaluate and quantify surface modification effects of micro-incision and debulking preparation technologies on complex porcine peripheral in-stent restenosis lesions (ISRL). Conclusions: OCT imaging-differentiated vessel preparation technologies in porcine peripheral […]

SPS Regional 2024: Ventricular assist devices and the pig cardiogenic shock model

Ventricular assist devices and the pig cardiogenic shock model. Steven Keller, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine Johns Hopkins, Co-founder X-COR Therapeutics. Steven provided an overview of research into the development of animal models of heart disease for the advancement of ventricular assist device therapies, including results from collaborative work performed at CBSET using swine. Presented […]

SPS Regional 2024: Neural and Cardiac Biomarker Applications for Preclinical Testing

Neural and Cardiac Biomarker Applications for Preclinical Testing. Hayden Dillow, BS, MS, Pathology Technician. This presentation discussed the use of swine as a translational model for cardiovascular and neural biomarkers. Swine, with a very similar anatomy, blood chemistry, and a genome 3X closer to man than mice, use the same imaging protocols, making them ideal […]