DECODE Network Meeting 5: Medical Device Testing during the innovation cycle, April 17-19, 2024

DECODE Network Meeting 5, 17-19 April, 2024 This online network meeting, organized by CBSET Director of Research and Innovation, Rami Tzafriri, PhD, is focused on “Medical Device Testing during the innovation cycle.” In addition to research/business-focused presentations, this meeting will include discussions of post-PhD career paths and opportunities. ESRs will share their career development action […]

ICI 2024: Porcine Model of Catheter Based Treatment of Pulmonary Embolization

CBSET Director of Research and Innovation, Rami Tzafriri, PhD, presented: “Porcine Model of Catheter Based Treatment of Pulmonary Embolization” as part of the session From Pulmonary Embolism to Pulmonary Hypertension at the ICI for All 2024 meeting in Tel Aviv, Israel. In this invited presentation, Dr. Tzafriri reviewed CBSET’s innovative porcine clot models and their […]

Bioengineering: Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering Models for Atherosclerosis Treatment Development

Linnea Tscheuschner, Abraham R. Tzafriri. Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering Models for Atherosclerosis Treatment Development. In the early years of tissue engineering, scientists focused on the generation of healthy-like tissues and organs to replace diseased tissue areas with the aim of filling the gap between organ demands and actual organ donations. Over time, the realization has set […]

TCT 2023: Imaging-Based Evaluation and Differentiation of Vessel Preparation Technologies in a Porcine Model of Peripheral Artery Stenosis

Rami Tzafriri, PhD; Jay Budrewicz, ScM, LATG, SRT; Anna Maria Spognardi, BA; Eric A. Secemsky, MD. Imaging-Based Evaluation and Differentiation of Vessel Preparation Technologies in a Porcine Model of Peripheral Artery Stenosis.  PURPOSE: We evaluated surface modification effects of micro-incision and debulking preparation technologies on complex porcine peripheral in-stent restenosis lesions (ISRL). METHODS: Bilateral ISRL […]

1st DECODE Workshop: Recent advances on experimental analysis on DCBs, Oct 5-6, 2023

DECODE  1st Workshop The online Workshop 1 “Recent advances on experimental analysis on DCBs” organized by NKUA and held on 5-6 October 2023 united experts and students in the pursuit of medical excellence. Through engaging sessions and interactive discussions, attendees were not only enlightened about the latest advancements, but also inspired to contribute meaningfully to […]

Annals of Biomedical Engineering: Investigating Balloon-Vessel Contact Pressure Patterns in Angioplasty: In Silico Insights for Drug-Coated Balloons

Stratakos E, Antonini L, Poletti G, Berti F, Tzafriri AR, Petrini L, Pennati G. Investigating Balloon-Vessel Contact Pressure Patterns in Angioplasty: In Silico Insights for Drug-Coated Balloons. Drug-coated balloons have shown promising results as a minimally invasive approach to treat stenotic arteries, but recent animal studies have revealed limited, non-uniform coating transfer onto the arterial […]

DECODE Kickoff Virtual Meeting, March 19, 2021

DECODE Drug-coated balloon simulation and optimization system for the improved treatment of peripheral artery disease (PAD). On March 19, 2021, the DECODE consortium had its virtual kick-off meeting. The coordinator, Prof. Fotiadis, presented the project, and the Work Package/Task leaders discussed in detail the overall work plan and short-term targets. CBSET’s Director of Research and […]