Interventional Cardiology Clinics: Pathology of Endovascular Stents

K Nakamura, MD; JH Keating, DVM;  ER Edelman, MD, PhD. Pathology of Endovascular Stents. Summary: Coronary artery disease (CAD) represents the leading cause of death worldwide, attributed to more than 17.5 million deaths annually, accounting for approximately 1 of every 3 deaths. In the United States, contemporary decreases in CAD-related mortality correlate with the 2 decades after the Surgeon General report […]

Interventional Cardiology Clinics: Endovascular Drug Delivery and Drug Elution Systems: First Principles

AR Tzafriri, PhD;  ER Edelman, MD, PhD. Endovascular Drug Delivery and Drug Elution Systems: First Principles. Summary: Endovascular drug delivery continues to revolutionize the treatment of atherosclerosis in coronary and peripheral vasculature. The key has been to identify biological agents that can counter the hyperplastic tissue responses to device expansion/implantation and to develop effective local delivery […]

Ann Biomed Eng: Vascular Response to Experimental Stent Malapposition and Under-Expansion

O’Brien CC, Lopes AC, Kolandaivelu K, Kunio M, Brown J, Kolachalama VB, Conway C, Bailey L, Markham P, Costa M, Ware J, Edelman ER. Vascular Response to Experimental Stent Malapposition and Under-Expansion. Summary: Up to 80% of all endovascular stents have malapposed struts, and while some impose catastrophic events others are inconsequential. Thirteen stents were implanted […]

EuroPCR: Solubility-controlled sirolimus release from drug-filled stents

Tzafriri A, Garcia-polite F, Schulz-jander D, Melder R, Goshgarian J, Tunev S, Stone G, Edelman E. ‘Solubility-controlled sirolimus release from drug-filled stents.’ Summary: Whereas drug diffusion is typically the rate-limiting release mechanism observed in other polymer-coated drug-eluting stents (DES), drug release from prototype DFS is determined by a complex dissolution-precipitation mechanism sensitive to the equilibrium solubility […]

EuroPCR: Plaque modification with an orbital atherectomy system enhances drug distribution in calcified peripheral arteries

Tzafriri A., Nikanorov A., Zani B., Stanley J., Garcia-polite F., Budrewicz J., Knutson J., Kohler R., Markham P., Edelman E. ‘Plaque modification with an orbital atherectomy system enhances drug distribution in calcified peripheral arteries.’ Summary: Calcific atherosclerosis is a major challenge to intraluminal drug delivery treatments in peripheral artery disease. We evaluated the effects of […]

Society of Toxicology: Safety Assessment of Radiofrequency Renal Denervation in Swine

Keating JH, Stanley JRL, Tzafriri AR, Spognardi AM, Markham PM, Edelman ER. ‘Safety Assessment of Radiofrequency Renal Denervation in Swine.’ Summary: Radiofrequency (RF) renal denervation (RDN) is a novel catheter based treatment option for patients with refractory hypertension, wherein energy is delivered at the renal artery wall lumen by a single or multiple RF electrodes. Efficacious […]