Inner Ear Disorders Therapeutics Summit, May 25-27, 2021

Join CBSET's partner, CILcare, who is organizing and sponsoring the Inner Ear Disorders Therapeutics Summit digital event, May 25-27, 2021.

The Inner Ear Disorders Therapeutics Summit is gathering the world’s leading biopharmaceutical companies and KOLs at the only industry-focused summit dedicated to the translation and clinical development of novel gene therapy, cell therapy and small molecule-based approaches to treat inner ear disorders, with the aim to progress the industry towards the first clinically approved therapy.

CILcare's CEO and Co-Founder, Celia Belline, will be speaking at this event on: Expanding drug portfolio in hearing, with fast-track development strategies.

Please contact us to schedule an e-meeting around the Inner Ear Disorders Therapeutics Summit digital event.

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