Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) Midwinter Meeting, Virtual Conference, Feb 20-24, 2021

CBSET and our partner, CILcare, will be presenting at the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) 44th Annual Midwinter Meeting, being held as a virtual conference, February 20-24, 2021.

Experts from CBSET and CILcare will be presenting a poster on the topic: “Cochlear Implant: Mini Swine or Sheep? Such a Tricky Choice,” authored by Misty J. Williams-Fritze, Benny Muraj, Amanda McSweeney, Fernando Garcia-Polite, Raffaele Melidone, Jonathon Kirk, Rami Tzafriri, and Cyrille Sage.

CILcare will also be presenting on the following topics:

  • “A new quantitative & translational read out to detect tinnitus in preclinical studies”
  • “Impulse noise causes reversible hearing loss with synaptopathy and miniaml hair cell loss”

In addition, CILcare’s Chief Business Officer, Wahid Awad, will chair the an R&D Workshop on “Translating pre-clinical findings into successful clinical trials.”

If you would like to schedule an e-meeting with CBSET before, during or after the event, please contact us. If you would like schedule an e-meeting with CILcare before, during or after the event, please contact them.

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