Nuria Oliva, Sagi Shitreet, Eytan Abraham, Butch Stanley, Elazer R. Edelman, and Natalie Artzi. Natural Tissue Microenvironmental Conditions Modulate Adhesive Material Performance.
Summary: We designed and optimized tissue-responsive adhesive materials by matching material and tissue properties. A two-component material based on dextran aldehyde and dendrimer amine provides a cohesive gel through aldehyde–amine cross-linking and an adhesive interface created by a dextran aldehyde-selective reaction with tissue amines. By altering aldehyde–amine chemistry, we examined how variations in tissue surfaces (serosal amine density in the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum) affect interactions with adhesive materials of varied compositions (aldehyde content).
Langmuir, 2012, 28 (43), pp 15402–15409.