Journal of Controlled Release: Calcified plaque modification alters local drug delivery in the treatment of peripheral atherosclerosis

Abraham R. Tzafriri, Fernando Garcia-Polite, Brett Zani, James Stanley, Benny Muraj, Jennifer Knutson, Robert Kohler, Peter Markham, Alexander Nikanorov, Elazer R. Edelman. Calcified plaque modification alters local drug delivery in the treatment of peripheral atherosclerosis

Summary: Calcific atherosclerosis is a major challenge to intraluminal drug delivery in peripheral artery disease (PAD). We evaluated the effects of orbital atherectomy on intraluminal paclitaxel delivery to human peripheral arteries with substantial calcified plaque. The data collected illustrate that calcified plaque limited intravascular drug delivery, and controlled OAS treatment of calcific plaques resulted in greater drug permeability and improved adjunct drug delivery to diseased arteries.

Journal of Controlled Release, Volume 264, 28 October 2017, Pages 203-210.

October 2, 2017