Expert Translational Research Services

CBSET was founded with the mission of enabling the advancement of novel therapeutics, devices, and techniques through ongoing collaboration. We are a multidisciplinary research institute that supports a range of applications, with OLAW-assured, AAALAC-accredited animal research facilities and GLP-compliant analyses.

CBSET's preclinical research capabilities combine in vivo studies, in vitro studies, computational  and 3D modeling, and complex histopathology into one integrated research paradigm. We can devise full preclinical programs or specific study designs using the optimal model systems, specimen types, and project methods to achieve your scientific, regulatory and commercial goals.

Integrated Preclinical Research Platform

Explore Our Services


Medical Device Testing

 Specialized expertise in the pre-clinical, in vivo evaluation and development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic medical devices.


Drug & Cell-Based Therapies

Evaluation of pharmacology, toxicity and biodistribution of drugs and cell-based therapeutics.


Histopathology & Morphometry 

Evaluation of tissues, devices and biomaterials, including development of novel processing / staining methods and scoring / evaluation paradigms.


Education & Training

A commitment to education that ranges from sharing our groundbreaking data with the scientific community to helping to train physicians on new procedures and techniques.