JB & JS: Activation of Bone Remodeling Compartments in BMP-2-Injected Knees Supports a Local Vascular Mechanism for Arthritis-Related Bone Changes

Seeherman, Howard J. PhD, VMD; Li, X. Jian MD; Wozney, John M. PhD. “Activation of Bone Remodeling Compartments in BMP-2-Injected Knees Supports a Local Vascular Mechanism for Arthritis-Related Bone Changes.”

Summary: Synovial membrane-derived factors are implicated in arthritis-related bone changes. The route that synovial factors use to access subchondral bone and the mechanisms responsible for these bone changes remain unclear. A safety study involving intra-articular injection of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2)/calcium phosphate matrix (CPM) or CPM addresses these issues.

This study identifies a synovitis-induced venous portal circulation between the joint capsule and the metaphysis as an alternative to systemic circulation and local diffusion for synovial membrane-derived factors to reach subchondral bone. This study also identifies vascular-associated BRCs as a mechanism for arthritis-associated subchondral bone changes and provides additional support for their role in physiological trabecular bone remodeling and/or modeling.

The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: December 14, 2020 – Volume Latest Articles – Issue – 10.2106/JBJS.20.00883 doi: 10.2106/JBJS.20.00883

December 14, 2020