Biomaterials Forum: Stem cell therapies for peripheral arterial disease: clinical status, promising biomaterials strategies and tips for successful translation

Ngan F. Huang, Michael Naimark, Rami Tzafriri. “Stem cell therapies for peripheral arterial disease: clinical status, promising biomaterials strategies and tips for successful translation”

Summary: Cell transplantation into the ischemic tissue is being studied as a therapeutic strategy to re-establish functional collateral networks that supply oxygenated blood and preserve tissue viability. While the clinical picture is evolving, evidence from preclinical studies indicates that cell viability is typically low, suggesting that therapeutic success critically hinges on the survival and subsequent maintenance of the transplanted cells. We review a new method to protect the cells during and after injection and provide guidance on keys to successful translation of these therapies.

Biomaterials Forum. 2018 3, Q3:11-12.

October 19, 2018